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  • Regina Groenendal

IBS raises awareness about animal welfare in the Leite Rondônia Project

Services focused on animal welfare were carried out during the month of June.

Animal welfare in dairy farming is based on ensuring a physical and social environment suited to the needs of the herd, allowing cows to express their natural behaviors and live in physical and mental health.

With the aim of raising awareness and sensitizing milk producers about the importance of animal welfare, the Instituto Biosistêmico (IBS) carried out the first round of services focused on animal welfare, during the month of June, on the properties that are part of the Leite Rondônia project, in the region of Jiparaná-RO.

In addition to providing guidance to producers on animal welfare, IBS consultants distributed an explanatory brochure that presents, in a simple and objective way, what BEA is and how it can be promoted in the daily routine of dairy production. During these consultations, producers answered questions and were able to clarify doubts related to the subject.

The theme of animal welfare is one of the pillars of the CheckMilk methodology developed by the Instituto Biosistêmico in the Leite Rondônia project, based on the Good Practice Guide of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Milk Federation (FIL).

According to veterinarian Luiz Sartori, technical coordinator of livestock at IBS, in addition to welfare, the work of the Instituto Biosistêmico in this project covers the areas of animal health, milking hygiene, nutrition, environment and socioeconomic management.

How to promote animal welfare

He explains that, to simplify guidance to producers in welfare services, the IBS team of veterinarians worked on some key points in promoting the well-being of herds.

“Animals must be housed comfortably, free from fear, hunger and thirst; have the freedom to express their natural behavior; and receive monitoring and care to prevent and treat injuries and diseases,” summarizes the veterinarian.

Producers received a folder with guidelines on animal welfare.

Sartori adds that, in the current dairy farming scenario, the search for productivity and quality are connected to the growing awareness of animal welfare. “Beyond the ethical issue, cow welfare is a decisive factor for the sustainability of production and for consumer health,” he highlights.

About the Leite Rondônia Project

Conceived and implemented by the Instituto BioSistêmico, the Leite Rondônia project is supported by resources from the Zoetis Foundation. The initiative seeks to promote the development of dairy farming on a total of 100 properties, with a family farming profile, in the Ji-Paraná region, in the state of Rondônia, in the Amazon Biome.

It proposes a set of activities and technological assistance resources, structured and modulated in four thematic axes aimed at improving the production process: good practices, reproductive management, nutritional management and health management.

In addition to technical visits to each property, the project provides for training meetings. These include training focused on the sustainability of dairy farming in the Amazon Biome, highlighting topics that require greater attention on the properties, reinforcing the good practice measures to be implemented during the project.

The project uses the CheckMilk methodology, which has a platform with a management system and application for technical teams and producers. The system facilitates project management and the application assists the producer on a daily basis, as a support, an extension of IBS consultancy that can be accessed at any time in the palm of your hand.

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