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  • Regina Groenendal

IBS brings reproductive technology to dairy producers in Rondônia

The Instituto BiosistÊmico (IBS) intensified the actions of the Leite Rondônia project, with the second round of reproductive management services, between June 20th and July 19th, in the Ji-Paraná region, in the state of Rondônia.

During the consultations, the IBS team carries out an assessment of the herd's health, supported by ultrasound exams, checking whether the cows are able to receive the ovulation synchronization protocol for subsequent fixed-time artificial insemination (AI).

“This stage of evaluation and selection of cows suitable for TAI is essential to optimize the chances of pregnancy and increase the reproductive efficiency of the herd”, points out veterinarian Guilherme Oliveira, IBS consultant who provides reproductive management services for the project.

Most of the producers served at Leite Rondônia had never performed an ultrasound on their herd until joining the project. This is the case of producer Antero Resende, from Ouro Preto do Oeste, who has been producing milk in the region for more than 40 years.

“With the Leite Rondônia project, we performed ultrasound and TAI exams on cows for the first time. My grandchildren, who help me here at the farm, are excited about these technologies and very interested in seeking new knowledge from the project's veterinarians”, says the producer.

This imaging diagnostic tool allows you to accurately evaluate the animals' reproductive system, identifying possible problems or pathologies that could compromise the cows' fertility.

In reproductive management services, in addition to clinical evaluation and application of protocols, IBS technicians guide producers on the importance of offering a quality, well-balanced diet for dairy cows.

“We have reinforced the importance of nutritional management and supply of energetic and mineral foods, aiming to maintain the animals' body score in this critical period of drought”, adds the consultant from the BioSistema Institute.

About the Leite Rondônia Project

Conceived and implemented by the Instituto BioSistêmico, the Leite Rondônia project is supported by resources from the Zoetis Foundation. The initiative seeks to promote the development of dairy farming on a total of 100 properties, with a family farming profile, in the Ji-Paraná region, in the state of Rondônia, in the Amazon Biome.

It proposes a set of activities and technological assistance resources, structured and modulated in four thematic axes aimed at improving the production process: good practices, reproductive management, nutritional management and health management.

In addition to technical visits to each property, the project provides for training meetings. These include training focused on the sustainability of dairy farming in the Amazon Biome, highlighting topics that require greater attention on the properties, reinforcing the good practice measures to be implemented during the project.

The project uses the CheckMilk methodology, which has a platform with a management system and application for technical teams and producers. The system facilitates project management and the application assists the producer on a daily basis, as a support, an extension of IBS consultancy that can be accessed at any time in the palm of your hand.

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