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  • Regina Groenendal

IBS and Zoetis Foundation start the Leite Rondônia Project in the Ji-Paraná region

Updated: May 27

In the first consultations, the CheckMilk diagnosis was applied to the properties.

The Instituto BioSistêmico (IBS) started the Leite Rondônia project, in the Ji-Paraná region, in the state of Rondônia, with good practice services, carried out between the last week of April and the first half of May. Conceived and implemented by IBS, the initiative has the financial support of the Zoetis Foundation, which makes it possible to offer specialized technical assistance to 100 dairy properties in this region, which is located in the Amazon Biome.

In this first service, a survey of the current situation of the properties was carried out, with the application of the CheckMilk diagnosis, which assesses the level of compliance with good practices in dairy farming in six areas: animal health, milking hygiene, nutrition, environment, animal welfare and socioeconomic management.

Based on this diagnosis, an individual action plan will be provided for each producer, with technical recommendations to begin a process of improving properties. The objective is to increase the quality, health and productivity of milk in the region, promoting the socioeconomic growth of the families involved.

“Producers were registered on the CheckMilk platform, allowing them to monitor their progress and assess compliance with good practices over time. This is another dairy farming project carried out by the Instituto BioSistêmio, in which we applied the CheckMilk methodology”, highlights Matheus Henrique Magalhães, IBS consultant and technical coordinator of CheckMilk, who carried out the first services of the Leite Rondônia project, with the application of the diagnosis of good practices.

Matheus Magalhães during producer service Edivaldo Batista.

According to Matheus, at the beginning of the project, the support of organizations such as Dairy product Monte Verde and the Association of Rural Producers of the Municipality of Ouro Preto do Oeste (ASPRUMOPRO) has been fundamental. “The organizations have collaborated assertively in screening the producers to be served. In this first round, we served producers in the regions of the municipalities of Mirante da Serra, Ouro Preto do Oeste, Jaru and Ji-Paraná”, reports the consultant of IBS.

Among the challenges to be addressed in the project, Matheus Magalhães highlights the production of forage food of adequate quality and quantity for dairy cows. This was a difficulty observed due to a previous migration of some producers, who switched from milk production to cutting, which affected the supply of forage on properties.

Family farming

Most of the properties served have a family farming profile, with an average of 20 to 50 hectares, with a herd of between 15 and 30 heads of animals. Milk production is the main source of income for the families involved, who are already in the second generation of milk producers.

For producer Edivaldo Batista, from Sítio Colorado, in the municipality of Ouro Preto do Oeste, the Leite Rondônia project is an excellent opportunity for producers in the region. “Our expectations are very good. We will have technical support, free of charge, to improve the nutrition and health of the herd, reproductive planning, in addition to monitoring the quality of the milk we produce”, he states.

In May, IBS provides reproductive management and health management services.

Edivaldo is part of ASPRUMOPRO, an association that has 11 producers served in the Leite Rondônia project. He reports that he has been an enthusiast of the project among associated producers, reinforcing that initiatives like this are rare that bring knowledge and technology to the development of dairy farming, at no cost to the producer. “Our counterpart is the herd and the desire to improve. We hope to have good results with the work of the IBS team on this project”, says the producer.

During the month of May, IBS provides reproductive management and health management services, with plans to begin nutritional management services from June. In addition to technical visits to each property, the project includes training meetings. These include training focused on the sustainability of dairy farming in the Amazon Biome, with emphasis on topics that require greater attention on properties, reinforcing the good practice measures to be implemented during the project.

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