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The Project

Photo: Embrapa

The Leite Rondônia Project was conceived by the Instituto BioSistêmico (IBS) with the    objective of promoting the development of dairy farming in the Ji-Paraná microregion, located in the Amazon Biome, in the state of Rondônia, Northern region of Brazil.


With the support of resources from the Zoetis Foundation in this initiative, IBS proposes a set of activities and technological assistance resources, structured and modulated for the development and adaptation of the production process, improving the quality, health and productivity of milk in this region.


IBS consultancy is developed based on structured assistance to working groups formed by modules of 20 producers. In total, service is planned for 100 producers, with the development of individual and collective activities.


The Leite Rondônia Project's services are carried out by a multidisciplinary team of consultants from the BioSistema Institute, made up of agronomists, veterinarians and zootechnicians.


Strategic Work Axes

The work is designed to develop five major thematic axes, through action strategies to achieve results.


TABELA estrategias.png

These strategies will be implemented in the properties through specific and complementary activities, as per the diagram below:

  • Consultations will be carried out on the properties, together with the contemplated producers, for practical guidance on the procedures and management necessary for the implementation of the agreed improvements.


  •  The training meetings include a learning program on artisanal cheese production and on metters of good practices to be implemented during the work.


  • Digital content will be made and be available through the Checkmilk application, to reinforce learning and monitoring activities.

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