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Project Region

The Ji-Paraná region belongs geographically and culturally to the state of Rondônia, in the Northern region of Brazil, in the Amazon Biome. With an area of ​​6,896.649 km² and a population estimated at 131,026 inhabitants by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2021, the municipality of Ji-Paraná is located in the central-eastern portion of the state.


Ji-Paraná is an important agricultural and agro-industrial hub in Rondônia, with the production of beef, soy, corn, coffee and other agricultural products playing a significant role in the local economy. In addition, the wood and furniture industry is also an important source of jobs and income in the region.


Region with a humid tropical climate, characterized by two well-defined seasons: wet summer and dry winter. During the summer, which generally occurs between November and March, the city receives intense rainfall, while the winter, which extends from June to September, is marked by lower temperatures and drought.


The Amazon Biome predominates and its conservation is of fundamental importance for the maintenance of biodiversity and the environmental balance of the region. The predominant vegetation is tropical rainforest, characterized by tall trees, dense vegetation and rich biodiversity.


Photo: Embrapa

In some areas close to Ji-Paraná, there may be transition characteristics to the Cerrado, which is a typical tropical savannah biome. This results in a variety of vegetation types and landscapes.

Dairy Farming

The state of Rondônia is the largest milk producer in the North region and the seventh in the country. The activity has great economic and social importance in the state. IBGE data demonstrate that, in the last ten years, production grew 51%, surpassing the growth rate of the North region (33.8%) and Brazil (19.8%), in the same period.


In 2019, this production was 1.129 billion liters of milk, with emphasis on the micro-regions of Ji-Paraná and Porto Velho, the largest milk producers in the state. According to data from the Agrosilvopastoral Health Defense Agency of the State of Rondônia – IDARON , in 2019, approximately 29 thousand rural establishments run by 31 thousand producers are involved in dairy farming, being characterized as family-based.


The state also has the best productivity in the region, around 1,355 kg/cow/year in 2019. IBGE data indicate that dairy industries with the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) are responsible for processing 94.8% of industrialized milk of Rondônia and, according to data from the Management Information System of the Federal Inspection Service (SIGSIF, 2019), 37 SIF dairy industries are installed in the state, contributing to the modernization of the sector.

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